The "baby is coming Plan"

 Well, well, Well, You are having a boy! Isnt it funny how after all the morning sickness, aches and pains the sonogram finially reveals the sex of your Baby.... and its a BOY!!!!!! Now, after months of guessing and wondering what was making you eat all those delectable treats, you finanaly know.
How exciting, how, wonderful. And after you make that dramatic post on Facebook, you then begin to wonder... What NOW????? Well, now comes the planning. The Planning of  the baby shower, the nursery, the birth plan and it goes on and on.
 Well moms, Im here to tell you not to get too stressed out, and if your in your "nesting Phase" of pregnancy, you want a detailed plan for begning to end. Well, Ltes get started!

Phase 1
1st: You want to start picking your support team and people you can tust to help when your feeling like your carring the whole refigerator in your belly. People thatt can help you attend doctors appointments, lamaze casses and of course go shopping with.
 these people caninclude spouses, BFF's, family members or even the next door neighbor. Ltes face it, when you need that spicy chicken sandwich at 1am, someones got to get it lol.

Start to envision what you want to happen and how you want thenn to happen. Think coor schems for the nusery, baby shower venues and attendees, birth plans. Noth too spcefic, just basic ideas of how you ant things to go. Keep in mind that things don't always go according to plan, so don't shoot yourself in the foot if your ideas don't have pin point precision.

3rd: Do "special" things for yourself: whether its your first baby or your 5th, you  still need to have your " me time". Relax in a warm bath, take a pregnancy massage or just give your self an hour in the park once a week to reflect on whats about to happen. your new addition to your family will change your whole lifestyle and you need to mentally prepare for that.

Phase 2 Action:
Get a note book and start planning! ok,  Sure you can always pull out the I pad or your phone too. lol

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